International Business Conference Organized By Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association. This International Business Event will feature Cyprus as the perfect place to invest, relocate, and visit for any reason but also to live. It will also go through several investment opportunities.
At the same time, we will go through the current picture and trends of the UK Economy and try to point out UK Investment opportunities.
The primary purpose is to update all the interested professionals, businessmen, and other individuals based in the UK but also in other countries worldwide, about investment opportunities in Cyprus as well as to update them about the new Regulations, Tax benefits, Funds and property developments.
At the same time, speakers based in London will go through the latest trends in the UK Economy and they will also try to point out some attractive and promising Investment opportunities in London and the rest of the UK.
Speakers and panelists have the opportunity to raise their points and to prove why Cyprus is the perfect place to invest in several sectors, relocate, or even to live.
This conference will feature big-name speakers including a Minister of the Republic of Cyprus and exhibitors from Great Britain, Cyprus, and other countries
To learn more or register, visit