The Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional
Services – Citizenship following Direct Investment
In November 2020, the Government of Malta launched a new programme for the granting of citizenship following direct investment. The former programme, which was launched in 2014, has reached its quota resulting in this new, more exclusive programme, being launched. Through a Legal Notice, Malta launched the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations laying down the requirements needed for citizenship by naturalization in line with the Maltese Citizenship Act. The number of certificates by Maltese Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment issued (excluding dependents) shall not exceed 400 per annum, and a total of 1,500 for the period of the regulations.
The new programme brought about the introduction of a new agency entitled the Community Malta Agency (the ‘Agency’).
Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment In order to apply for Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment, the
applicant is required to:
1. Be at least 18 years of age;
2. Be in possession of a property in Malta; and
3. Have passed the due diligence process undertaken by the Agency (be a
person of good conduct).
The preliminary application and the due diligence process represents the “Residency Stage”. Upon successful completion of the Residence Stage, the application proceeds to the “Eligibility Stage” during which the residency proposal letter, bank statements, marriage certificates and police conduct are submitted for consideration. At this stage, the applicant must indicate whether the applicable residence period will be one of 12 months
or 36 months.
The requirements for the Full Citizenship Application by Direct Investment are the
• Proof of residence for 12 months (contribution of €750,000) or 36 months (contribution of €600,000);
• Acquire real estate in Malta having a minimum value of €700,000 or lease real estate in Malta at a minimum value of €16,000 per annum. All property must be
maintained for 5 years;
• An undertaking to donate at least €10,000 to a registered philanthropic, cultural, sport, scientific, animal welfare or artistic NGO.
Approval of Application
Whilst conducting the due diligence procedures, the Agency may request additional documents in support of the application. Upon completion of the process, a
recommendation is made by the Agency to the Minister, who ultimately possesses the discretion to determine whether or not the application should be approved.
If approved, a formal “in principle” approval letter is issued by the Agency, following which the applicant has a period of 4 months to provide the Agency with evidence of all citizenship requirements outlined in the approval letter, such as the satisfaction of realestate, proof of investment and the donation. The approval period takes between 120-150 days, provided all documents are in order.